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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overview [ ] Nemrut is a located in the collision zone of the and, which determines the seismic and volcanic activity in the region. The collision of these plates began in the Middle and closed the stretch of water, which in the formed the. Nemrut, along with three other extinct volcanoes of eastern Turkey:, and, is located in the area of a complex fault, which runs along the boundary of the Arabian and Eurasian plates in the territory of the. It is the westernmost of these volcanoes, the only one that remains active, and generally the only volcano in, which erupted in the historical period. Nemrut is located 10 km north of the city, in the north-western shore of. Nemrut was probably formed in the early, about 1 million years ago. It showed the greatest activity in the Pleistocene, with regular eruptions occurring in the Holocene.

In the middle Pleistocene, about 250,000 years ago, a major eruption formed a lava flow over 60 km long, which blocked the water discharge from the Van basin and formed Lake Van, the world's largest. In the same period, the conical top of the volcano collapsed inward, forming an 8.3×7 km caldera. Later, the freshwater formed inside the caldera, becoming the world's second largest caldera lake. Subsequent eruptions separated a small lake Ilı from Lake Nemrut.

Nemrut volcano has an elliptical shape, its size at the base is 27×18 km, and its center contains 377.5 km 3 of volcanic materials. The caldera of Nemrut is the largest in Turkey, the fourth largest in Europe and sixteenth largest in the world. History of study [ ] Etymology [ ] Locals link the name of the volcano with the legendary ruler, who is credited with the construction of the. Turkish chronicles of the 16th century reproduce a local legend as follows: Native believe that Nemruz used to spend the winters around and the summers on this mountain.

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Ramka Tituljnogo Lista

Sony usb flash drive format tool. The Handball-Bundesliga (HBL) is the top German professional handball league. The league has been sponsored by Toyota since 2007 and therefore the league was called the Toyota Handball-Bundesliga. Since 2012 it is sponsorsed by the Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB) [1] and therefore the name has changed into DKB Handball-Bundesliga. Rumelia (Ottoman Turkish: روم ايلى ‎, Rūm-ėli; Turkish: Rumeli), also known as Turkey in Europe, was the name of a historical region in Southeast Europe that was administered by the Ottoman Empire, mainly the Balkan Peninsula.

For this purpose, he had a castle and a palace built on the summit. He used to live and spend lots of time there. He fell victim to God's wrath and got caught. Consequently, the god let this mountain, the height of which was not less than 2000 zira collapse and sink 1500 zira. This sinking created a lake of 5000 zira wide. Medieval chronicles [ ] Eruptions of Nemrut are mentioned in Armenian sources of the 15th century and Kurdish sources of the 16th century.

These records allowed to confirm the activity of the volcano during the Holocene and to establish the dates of some eruptions. In 1441 a great sign took place, for the mountain called Nemrud, which lies between Kelath and Bitlis, suddenly began to rumble like heavy thunder. This set the whole land into terror and consternation, for one saw that the mountain was rent asunder to the breadth of a city; and from out of this cleft flames arose, shrouded in dense, whirling smoke, of so evil a stench that men fell ill by reason of the deadly smell. Red-hod stones glowed in the terrible flames, and boulders of enormous size were hurled aloft with peals of thunder. Even in other provinces men saw all this distinctly. A more recent eruption is mentioned in Turkish records: In the northern part of this location there is a canal through which flows a dark water [basaltic magma].