Rekomendaciya Iz Armii Obrazec


Similar words:  (1.00) (0.67) (0.67) (0.67) (0.57) test Act 1> _ist. Test-akt, zakon o prisyage v otrechenii ot priznaniya papskoi vlasti i dogmata presushestvleniya test 1> ispytanie, proverka, analiz, proba, oprobovanie test 1> ispytanie; proba, proverka; oprobovanie _Ex: nuclear tests yaderye ispytaniya _Ex: strength test avtonomnoe ispytanie (otdel'nogo agregata) _Ex: on-line test kompleksnoe ispytanie (vsei linii i t. P.) _Ex: preoperational test predpuskovoe ispytanie _Ex: engineering evaluation tests tehnicheskie ispytaniya _Ex: field test polevoe ispytanie; ispytanie v ekspluatacionnyh usloviyah _Ex: bench test zavodskie ispytaniya, ispytaniya v zavodskih usloviyah _Ex: control test kontrol'nye ispytaniya _Ex: acceptance test priemochnye ispytaniya _Ex: roof test rabochie ispytaniya _Ex: road test dorozhnye ispytaniya _Ex: standard test tipovoe ispytanie _Ex: distance test _sport. Konnyi probeg _Ex: test of patience ispytanie terpeniya _Ex: test for colour blindness proverka sposobnosti razlichat' cveta _Ex: test by experiment proverka na opyte, opytnaya proverka _Ex: under test ispytyvaemyi, ispytuemyi _Ex: test data dannye ispytanii, empiricheskie dannye _Ex: test flight _av. Ispytatel'nyi polet _Ex: test specimen opytnyi obrazec _Ex: test pattern _spec. Ispytatel'naya tablica _Ex: to pass a test proiti ispytaniya ili proverku, podvergnut'sya proverke _Ex: to put smb.

To the test podvergat' kogo-l.

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Thanks for who answer me, and sorry for my bad english ^^. (too much radiations.) because this is my only save i tried to use a save/character editor for changing the radiations rate of my character. But nothing seems works. Savegame I used FALCHE, that in Windows95 mode not find the save.dat file (even if i browse in Users/'User Nickname'/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/ProgramFiles/, instead, in MDOS mode, it seems to work (I can change each value i want) but when i run the game, the save data is exactly how was before (and so I died again.) What i can do for not replaying from the beginning the entire game?