Under The Moon Otome Game English Full Version Free Software Download


Under The Moon Otome Game English: Full Version Software. Hey there ive downloaded all the parts for this game and ive only extracted only the first. Domain-Driven Design Pdf. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Download Free Otome Games English: Nightmare Harem for PC & Mac with AppKiwi APK. You are led by the red moon to a strange alternate dimension called 'Nightmare.' ✓Update your device's software to version 4.1 or later to play.

Hi and thank you!:3 Oh, at first I wasn't interested in Mejojo and was even a bit reluctant to do his route. He didn't seem the type of character I would enjoy at all. But damn, I ended up crying in his route. He wasn't one of my favorite characters, but I liked him and also felt really sorry for him. Auger on other hand interested me and I was so shocked when I finished his route.

Sure, something seemed off. Like it was too good to be true.

But when I reached the ending. What a huge troll xD definitely not your average otome game route. I like Auger as a character though. I guess my least favorite character in BWS would be Arles or Zara. Oh, in that case, sorry for the spoilers. In my opinion, even though Mejojo and Auger's route is very short and feels rushed, it's still worth playing because of its final part.

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Also, both Auger and Mejojo explain reasons for their actions in their good ends, which helps if you want to understand these characters better. If you don't want to see the Wolves' part of the story, you can skip all heroine's adventures with Rath starting from the first set of choices and you will still understand everything on the Cats' route. Being deceived by Auger is natural since he is a brilliant actor and conceals his true intentions from everyone, even from his own brother. If you take in consideration that he is a sociopath with everything that that implies (poor ability to form attachment to others; inflated self-esteem; can easily sever any relationship, even a long-term one; gets bored very easily, thus has a great need in constant stimulation; highly manipulative), then everything on his route, including his endings where he kills Mejojo when the latter stops amuse him, is easily explainable. Throughout the playthrough we get to see him during three age periods: - A little boy, when he is still an innocent child, and I think that at that point he could still grow up into a good adult with due upbringing. - A teenager, when constant assassinations narrowed down his social boundaries to Mejojo and his mother, and while Mejojo was fixated on his mother more than on Auger, Auger was more fixated on Mejojo. He is still more or less normal.

- A grown-up man, when, in the result of his mother’s suicide, he has become a sociopath. His mother tricked him and Mejojo into killing her dressing it as a game (‘a contest of strengh’) and the lesson Auger took from it was – ‘Life is nothing but a cruel game, and if it’s so, then let’s play. There is no point if it’s no fun, people who are no fun, can just die.’ He starts treating everyone as game pieces, some more prescious than others depending on their entertainment value. He enjoys manipulating everyone into doing something amusing to him (which is often something violent).

In this regard, Mejojo is his most prescious piece who can entertain him better than everyone else. Pretending that he is Mejojo's loyal follower, Auger appeases his sore ego and influences his actions, including purposeful rekindling Mejojo's desire for revenge. That’s what he tells about himself in his LH good end. 長い事、外で遊んでたんだけど、どうやら閉じ込められちゃったみたい。 I was playing outside for a long time, but it seems that I've been locked up, one way or another. [Is referring to becoming physically disabled after the final battle with the Wolves.] 今までは上手くやってきたのに。狼のやつらも最後は上手かった。 Even though I was doing well up until now, the Wolves were good in their final moments too. そんな気はしてたんだけど、でもそれも面白いかな、って。 I had a hunch things might go down that way, but even so I thought it would be probably amusing. 逃げられるかな、って思ったんだけど、最後の最後で炎に焼かれちゃったね。 I was wondering if I'd be able to escape, but I got burned by the blaze in the very end, didn't I?

産まれた時からこの性格じゃなかったのかもしれない。 Perhaps I didn't have such personality from birth. この世の中、すべてのモノは、おれの為にあるんだって、そんな気がする。 I have a feeling that everything in this world exists for my sake. おれに、利用されるために。 For the sake of being used by me. みーんなみんな、ぜんぶ。 Everyone, everyone, everything. みんなとても愚かで頭が回らない。ほんと、みんな馬鹿ばっかりだよ。 Everyone, due to their sheer stupidity, is incapable of sound judgement.

Really, all are nothing but fools. とても退屈で、同じレベルで話をしてくれるのは誰もいなかった。それは兄さんでさえ。 To my total boredom, there was no one with whom I could have a conversation on the same level. And that’s including my brother.