Yourkit Java Profiler 12 Crack


YourKit Profiler 2017.02-b65 Crack A CPU and memory profiler for the.NET platform, recognized by the IT professionals and analysts as the best profiling. With the help of YourKit Java Profiler, you can easily run your Java-based program and assess its functioning.

Which profiler is better for general purpose profiling and heap analysis? 90% of our apps are standalone command line programs with substantial database and numeric processing. The other 10% are webapps/servlet container apps (with very little JSP and NO SCRIPLETS!). Target user would be Sr Software Engineer with 5-10 years of industry experience. We need support only for Sun JDK 5. As of writing this question (2008-10-02), JProfiler was at 5.1.4 and YourKit was 7.5. Looks like YourKit 8.0 will be released soon.

Having used both JProfiler and Yourkit recently I find that yourkit is far superior for memory problem analysis and strongly prefer jprofiler for performance analysis. Yourkit's memory analysis seems to be much easier and intuitive. For performance analysis on yourkit I have been unsuccessful in resolving any performance issue I have tried to resolve with yourkit.

JProfiler shows more accurate and concise information for performance analysis with the exact number of method invocations and percent time spent in each method. I have yet to find this in yourkit. It seems yourkit just gives sampling information which is not accurate unless you are measuring thousands of invocations. None of the tools other than JXInsight perform real database transaction analysis: JXInsight's Probes technology is also the only one that could even run in production considering that we out perform netbeans profiler by 20x and yourkit 100x in SPECjvm2008 benchmarks.

I am the architect of JXInsight so of course I am completely biased but at the same time I am probably more qualified than most in the Java industry to make such a claim since I have devoted the last 8 years to performance analysis for some of the most demanding of Java/J2EE application in production. I should be point out that JXInsight is designed for software performance engineers and not just for the occasional adhoc profiling session. We have more than 4000+ system properties to configure the runtime and 600+ technology extensions libraries so it might be overkill unless one has a complex problem to solve and/or using the same tool across development, test and production is paramount. Kind regards, William.

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