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Very detailed interviews. One interpretation: The Church of Sweden is returning its roots: Antisemitism. In that light, it is not surprising that the priests can ignore elaborate conspiracies where Israel's biggest foes are in fact created by the Jews themselves. Reminds me of the Nazis: The Jews are the evil capitalist bankers, AND, they are the Russian communists! It is remarkable, however, that nothing seems to change. We Jews are still a very, very small group of people.

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We sure sound mighty important! (sarcasm intended).

The Swedish churches that follow this road to Chrislam can lead to anything but death are totally blind to the true nature of Islam. But that's OK, the Imams will befriend the useful idiots, lie to them, hide the truth, lead them along the path to submission and once they have enough power the Imams will declare the Chrislamists 'apostates', The LGBT group 'sinners' for whom killing them is a mercy. Then the 7th century rules will be applied. Bodies will fall from buildings and heads will roll. We must pray for a Christian revival in Sweden. A REAL ONE based on relationship with the risen Jesus Christ and not a deadly illusion led by man-made churches and priests who are hirelings.

'Syncretism' is the term for blending of different religious practices. Israel was warned against this (see Old Testament Bible) and with good reason. In the lands they were promised (and gradually took over) some of it happened.


Feb 24, 2013  Srečko Kunst, lastnik gostilne Šempeter v Bistrici ob Sotli, o namenu večera kopunov. Jun 29, 2016  The Imam Celebrated by the Church of Sweden: 'The Jews are Behind the Islamic State!' Part III of a Series: The Islamization of Sweden. By Ingrid Carlqvist June 29, 2016 at 7:00 am.

That was with religions found in the areas occupied. The prophets railed against it and overcame it. Sweden is doing it with an imported culture and pseudo-religion and the way back to 'proper' Christianity will be much harder, even if attempted, or allowed. The oft-stated phrase 'this will not end well' is most apposite. That is, if it ends at all.

It's not looking good, anywhere, and us RCs are not being very sensible at this point in time. These 'Christian' priests are really very confused. How do they propose to merge into a form of 'Chrislam' and still preach, let alone believe, that Jesus is the son of God, is God, and died on the cross for the redemption of mankind, rose from the dead and returned to the Father in heaven?

Islam denies every one of those tenets of Christianity and regard all of the most important parts of Christianity as a terrible crime against Allah punishable by death. Obviously the church will be subsumed by the Mosque as very much the inferior part of the whole and the priests will have to stop preaching Christianity. Islam of course is quite happy to go along with this nonsense, drawing the imbecile apostate 'priests' into the Muslim web where they will be parceled up and dealt with. If only these wide eyed halfwits of the Swedish church would just read the facts about Islam, or having read it believe it, or having believed it have the guts to act accordingly; how about reading the Gospels and act on them? But no; they would rather delude themselves with the make belief fluffy cuddly Islam of their imagination and the deception of the Muslims.